Friday, May 1, 2009


so let me set the scene for you guys... spent the day hanging out with the BF. went to beaumont. had lunch with Megan & Matt from college who were in town. visited Troy, who under the circumstances looked really good today. got a dressy git-up to wear to Hillary's (Josh's sister) wedding. (Josh picked it out! and its soooo "presh" btw so i am quite impressed with this boy). hung out around home. Daddy got his tractor stuck IN the pond in the back yard. Josh and Jarrod helped him pull it out...i took pics...

so then... Josh, Mom, and I are all sitting in the kitchen/dinning area... Josh is rocking in the comfy window area chairs and we are all just chatting... he says "I just LOVE these chairs! They are awesome!" and my MOM responds with this:

"Well, if you marry Megan I will give you both chairs!"

WHAT? You mean to tell me that I am worth TWO comfy chairs that we have owned for 8 years?? she didn't even throw in an ottoman or area rugs or even a dog-gone LAMP! I mean... crap... Megan=Chairs??? are you kidding me? we got an RV outside... clearly Miss Megan isn't quite the RV status.... grrrr... so my dowry has been set... but nobody really asked my opinion... hrmmmm.

anyone want some comfy rockin' chairs? it will only cost you a lifetime of marital bliss with ME! 

God Bless, ROCK ON, and Cheers!


  1. Oh, is that all? Well, in that case I'll take five chairs!

  2. my mom later decline the chairs.. she decided that she liked them too much.... huh what?? :)
