Monday, May 25, 2009


so i think i'll get on a random soap box of opinion. excuse me while i step onto this soap box...

and btw-why is it a soap box? was it like a make-shift platform to stand on? why soap boxes? why not a ketchup box? a microwave box? surely a fridge box would make you even taller than a soap box?

"Oh yeah!? You don't like people smacking their gum... Me neither, let me get on my MiscellaneousThingsStillNotUpackedSinceMovingOutOfMyCollegeDorm BOX!"

i mean how big is this "soap" box anyways!? and does that imply that i am not intimidating enough at 5'3" to speak my mind and let you know how much of an idiot you are by the furrowing of my (almost invisible) eyebrows!!! grrr!

alright. joke has died and i am still trying to squeeze a chuckle outta ya... moving on

okay okay okay i have a confession i really dont have anything i feel like ranting about but while you're here i will tell you a couple things that do actually get on my nerves in life....

people who sing at concerts or at musicals loud enough that i can't enjoy the people who get paid to do it. UNLESS you do what the person in the video below did.. then i will like you! :)

and thongs. i hate thongs. i am sorry. they are not sexy. unless you are perfectly shaped-and who really is? unless you are megan fox basically. (haha i am mildly obsessed with her and there may or may not be a poster of her in her skivvies hanging over my bed, but that is TOTALLY beside the point... she is just hot and not really a good actress). anyways thongs are gross. it would never be acceptable for a person walking down the street to stop in place and wipe their butt with the shirt on their back and put the shirt back ON...??? well thats sorta what is going on constantly when you wear a thong... ALSO i know they are very uncomfortable at first and if you say that you dont feel it you are not being fully honest. at some point the FIRST time you wore one it was odd feeling i KNOW... and its like playing guitar. i am reminding JoshyPants as he learns to play guitar that eventually his fingers will stop hurting because he will build up CALLUSES! CALLUSES LADIES! your crack doesn't feel the thong because...well you can make the correlation youself. EEEEEK ICKY ICKY ICKY!

alright thats enough rambling for me tonight! just trying to change the world one thong lover at a time... ;)

Much Love, God Bless, ROCK OUT, and Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Amen!!! Thongs are gross...its also not cute for them to be peaking out of the back of trashy girls pants!!! I'm just saying...
