Tuesday, October 20, 2009


alrighty. sitting in my new neighborhood coffeeshop Caribou Coffee... I put in an app here but the manager is new and said "I just got here last week so I'll be evaluating our current talent then deciding if I need to hire more talent." Talent??? Is this an acting job? I'll be honest, I would love it if all of a sudden the Coffee staff started singing and dancing. :)

SO... this weekend I had my first Second City classes EVER! Wow! I have to say that I kinda felt a wee bit teary eyed on my way... I mean... well.. i never really cry for reasons people should cry... but here i was doing something for a LONG time I have said "Oh I would love to do that!" and its just a surreal feeling i think. weird... but i have a much longgggeeeerrrr way to go.... and i'm totally cool with that, i think its the ride that is supposed to be the best right?!

first up was my Improv class. this one is basically an introduction to improv class for actors with a degree or professional experience... if i take the next 8 wk improv class then i would be eligible to audition to be part of the conservatory. i'm DEFINITELY interested in that, but i am not sure because although it would KILL to have that on my resume i'm sure its sooooo expensive and its tough to decide right now if i wanna be in Chicago that long *shrug* i dont know yet, but if i stay and take the next one maybe i'll audition and see if i could even get in and go from there. ANYWAYS the first class has 12 peeps in it and they are a fun group. i can foresee us all being really close soon because its just the kind intense crazy stuff that forces you let down your barriers and work together as a unit. plus they are HILARIOUS :) and i think the teacher Jack is really cool too.... cannot wait for this weekend's class! there was a girl in it from Houston that knows a guy I went to college with pretty well... Okay so maybe its the same guy I had to look very dirty in silhouette with in The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas and I found it ironic he was her Prince Charming in a play but was clearly mine too eeeeeep! hahaha :)

then there was Standup! It was really interesting. I can tell this will be really tough for me. We did a ton of really fun exercises and the class only has 6 people in it so that means even more time on your feet (which is scary but really really good). My teacher Bryan randomly picked things our partner had to give us a fake tattoo of. Then we had to get up and immediately tell the story of how we got this random tattoo. haha mine was a giant dragon on my arm and i almost forgot to wash it off because i'm always up here wearing a hoodie and stuff :) i'll just tell you my story had to do with going to meetings for my obsession with Dungeons and Dragons... D&D Anonymous! (and for the record i have NEVER played that game)... hehe it was the best thing i could come up with at the moment. one of the last things we had to talk about was something we were passionate about either in love or hate and i talked about my absolute hate of thongs... BUT BUT BUT there was this girl that had the FUNNIEST story about Online Dating. she apparently submitted herself to Eharmony and based on her character analysis they sent her a formal letter in the MAIL that said she was not compatible with ANYONE in their database hehehe and she told of the characteristics they circled as possible reasons. let me just say that it was a true story and i felt sooo bad laughing but it was GOLDEN! She is from Houston actually but has been in NYC the last 8 years. :)

alrighty... i gotta get to my homework which is to write a routine that sucks! hahaha. really! he said if we get the crappy comedy out we are more likely to do well.... BUT the catch is i can't just get up there and ramble i have to think of what i have seen comedians do that fails and commit fully to that... i am thinking i might do really dumb puns and stuff like that because i can imagine getting boo'd off a stage for that crummy stuff :) we'll see.... sorry i'm not going to spell check thissssss



  1. i wrote a comment after you posted, but it didnt show up.

    i think the conservatory would be awesome!!maybe they do scholarships or something :)
