Friday, October 23, 2009

i need to DO something

i seriously need a job. not only to pay my bills, but for some friggin entertainment!!!! chicago is great dont get me wrong but after several days of just going around and dropping off my application and riding the bus constantly... ugh... i need something to DO! and its a little disheartening to be going around just spending money on this and that and not be making any-makes me anxious. i've been stalking the auditioning websites crossing my fingers that i can find something to audition for... but alas, it seems that most things are either not paying gigs or things that are Christmas shows and such which isn't really all that possible for me since i'm going to be going home for that.... LAME.... i did see a posting for ROMEO & JULIET... but *sad face* its an Equity show, and being that i'm still not in the union i am guessing there is no way in H-E-Double Hockey Sticks i'll be sneaking into that one... sorry to be complaining... i guess its the rainy and dreary weather that has me a bit annoyed at the moment... Veronica works a ton and is usually pretty tired when she gets home so she goes to bed quite early...

but on a good note i have gotten a lot of reading done with this lack of things to do. in book 4 of the House of Night series... today i bought a book recommended by Katie called Blue Bloods. YES another Vamp series! But hey don't make fun, they definitely keep my interest. I also got Richard Matheson's The Box. It has some short stories in it but the main one is what that new movie "The Box" is about. I was hoping it would be some crazy horror novel but that story only took me a few mins on the bus to read. Interesting indeed though.

tonight i'm supposed to be going with Veronica and her friends to some swanky bar/club... i'm sure it will be a lot of fun i just hope to not run into too many pretentious people that lurk in the spotlights (haha no not in the shadows for this narcissistic breed) merely to give you the "stank eye" ha! hmm who knows maybe i will dress up and wear my red heels just so that i can look like the narcissistic nelly!!!? but i never feel like getting dressed up when the weather sucks... okay okay okay i see the look you're giving me, i hardly ever like dressing up really... BUT when i do it i always feel really nice! it would be an evening with long hair that i would make it curly... with this short hair i'll.... uh.... just wear it as it is i guess :) ha

alrighty i better go, i am beginning to type and blog for my own entertainment and time passing which is never good!!! take care peeps!!!

Love, Rock ON, God Bless, Cheers!

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